No matter on-site or online it is, we ensure the contents and quality of our output are always consistent and seamless.
Due to COVID-19, regardless of genre many on-site events have gone online.
Under these circumstances, Power Project established the “Online events division” in 2020 to cater the changing needs.
Without any limits or boundaries of space and number of participants, online events further enhance participants’ experience by enabling two-way interactions, speedy responses, the use of spectacular visual effects and presentation of data in higher resolutions.
Power Project is well prepared to support and assist you to transform in this new evolution.
Have you ever encountered the following difficulties?
- You want to host an online events but you do not know how to.
- You want to advertise and promote your idea to as many people as possible.
- You want to advertise and promote your idea but there is a lack of opportunities, especially a face-to-face one.
- You want to host an online event with the outcomes exactly the same as on-site one.
- You want to host an event where you need to retrieve a lot of data as well as conduct questionnaire surveys.
- You want to host both on-site and online event at once, which also show synergy effects.
From advertisement to venue/equipment/live-streaming arrangements, Power Project has an incredible amount of resources and experience to take care of all your needs and requirements and tackle all your difficulties with our one-stop service.
VARIATION Hosting online events through webinar
01 Online press release/seminars
- Host press release online
- Take better care of PR needs
- Available to broadcast to any locations within Japan
02 For businesses
- Available for conduction of job recruitment
- Get access to participants’ information effortlessly
- Allow two ways interactions especially for Q&A session
- Support internal broadcasts limited to only employees or internal audiences
03 For general audiences
- Get overwhelming responses even it is online
- Create online venues for events
- Tailor-made based on needs